Wednesday, February 6, 2008

topsy turvy pretty

in your natural state, you are easy and free.
your anxieties are a result of all the people who have wronged you.
and all the people who have wronged them.

and all the people who have wronged them.
and all the people who have wronged them.
and all the people who have wronged them.

maybe way way way way way way back to one guy, wronging everybody and setting their model of the world all topsy turvy. and in turn, everybody else's.

this great big huge butterfly effect.

pretty, ain't it?

but it's obviously more complicated than that.

but i dare you to find the place to place blame.
and i dare you to find the place to forgive.

pretty, ain't it?

everybody's just going on their own model.
we're, each of us, harmless, when understood.

the place to forgive is


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