Tuesday, January 29, 2008

stopping and listening

it's all simply unfolding before me.
and i'm just rolling around in it.

and eating right off the ground.

when did you get so afraid of the earth? and who said you've got to do and say like other parents do?

... while in my head i'm thinking 'five second rule'

it's a car commercial, but still. truth resonates everywhere. you've just got to listen for the echoes, because evil has a voice like a vampire's reflection, it just falls away. God's voice speaks softer, but it lingers and gives more authority.


Blogger ad nauseam said...

vampires have no reflection, so does that mean that evil has no voice? How can God's voice be softer than non-existant?

inquiring existential minds would like to know!

however, I do thoroughly enjoy the disjointed but cohesive-if-you-pay attention style that you have.
I like cramming stuff together that normally wouldn't fit.

It doesn't always work for me like it does for you though. :D

Thursday, January 31, 2008 5:34:00 p.m.  

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