Friday, December 2, 2005

'The Game' - you lose

I spent the whole night dreaming about ‘The Game’, Soul Crucible and blogging. It wasn’t restful. On top of that, I couldn’t get to sleep for hours thinking about all the productive things I am going to do with the house to myself. I will need to add shoveling to the list, as it seems the snow has returned…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Not that I wasn’t enjoying the oddly mild winter we were having so far, but the snow suggests that the weather is just about right for rink making. I can’t wait for the outdoor rink to open and I can strap on a pair of skates at any hour of the day. I need the exercise desperately. I tried the whole running thing a couple weeks ago. I hate running… it didn’t last long. I told myself I would skate when I got the chance so I wouldn’t feel guilty about giving up on another exercise regime. But it’s taking longer than I expected. I need to get out there soon. This motionlessness is seeping into my bones and it makes me ache.

I just thought about ‘The Game’ again – you lose.

The radio has started its crusade against Christmas carols. They play the most obnoxious Christmas tunes on the radio in this city. I should send them my list, but I don’t listen to the radio enough to care. The only time I hear the radio is in the brief moment after I wake up and before I slam the snooze button for the hundredth time. (I ‘snoozed’ for three hours this morning before I rolled out of my bed and into my ‘office’ – the chair next to my bed). But one of the most upsetting ways to wake up is with a crappy Christmas carol assault. I slammed that snooze button with a little more attitude that time.

I have big plans for this weekend. I’ll keep you posted.

Anybody want to make bets that I don’t do a damn thing, and dream most of the weekend away?... it’s a pretty safe bet, but then again I am feeling a little manic these days.


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