
The eve is officially upon us. As much as i hate to have to do it, i will be spending tomorrow searching frantically for the perfect Christmas present for my dad, who is the only one left on my list. My dad is especially hard to buy for because he doesn't like recieving gifts and any slightly excessive amount of money you might spend on him just detracts from his enjoyment of the gift (maybe because he knows the money is just coming out of his pocket). So i have to find the perfect balance of suitability and thrift. Other than this one task, Christmas eve can take me in a number of directions and i can never be sure what that is going to be. The unknowable is partially exhilerating and partially anxiety provoking.
Oh the joys of Christmas.
ps. the 23rd - the day i still consider myself to be a part of, despite the fact that it's past midnight (even though my blog will tell you otherwise, because of the messed up posting times) because i have yet to go to sleep - is eddie vedder's birthday (for all your ignorant folks out there, eddie vedder is the lead singer of pearl jam). I hope you all did your best to celebrate his birth in a respectable fashion.
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