'Sock it to me Sixteen'

Suddenly a women's voice breaks through my sleep: "Please hang up and try your call again..." huh? what? what's going on? what time is it? she was done with her shpiel and it was definately early enough to go back to...
what the f*&%$... that's a horrible way to wake up.
before i knew it, i was awake and standing in the hall. i'm not even sure if i walked there, or if the beeping scared me enough to fly me across the room.
it's early still and the whole house is a bustle. everyone agreed with me: that's a horrible way to wake up. although, just across the hall, my brother is still soundly asleep. the whole house could crumble around his ears, and he would still manage to sleep well into the afternnon, waking only after considerable harassment from my mother.
for anyone wondering how the 'phone lady' was invited into our home abruptly this morning, my conclusion is that timo called her. he's a smart kitty, and is always coming up with interesting ways to wake us up in the morning. the only other reasonable explanation is ghosts... always a possibility.
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