Sunday, September 17, 2006

Digging in the Attic

le sweet.

it's like it practically exists, and yet it changes so much.

today, i bought two hundred and fifty gigs of hard drive. call me a materialist, but it's seriously made up of hardly any material. i'm a digitalist if anything. i love memories in word form, and music form, and picture form. it certainly changes the way you think of space. like a whole nother dimension of space that stems from a tear in three d space. break. my. mind.

change the way you think of things.

and now i have fingertip access of all the music, and words, and pictures that i stored up in the past. hidden away in dusty cds cases, missorted and forgotten. this opens up a whole new world. like a whole nother dimension that stems from a tear in the material.

change the way you think of things.

there's so much on here i haven't seen for years.

change the way you thought of things.

you will benefit, i'm sure.


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