Friday, February 3, 2006

Word of the Day

gran.dil'o.quent, a. bombastic

...uh, yeah. I've heard of boombastic, but i don't quite think that's the same thing.

bom'bast, n. pompous speech. -bom.bas'tic, a.

Don't you love a good definiation word hunt. The best is when you look up one word only to have to look up a dozen words!

Now, if only i knew what any of those symbols meant... i assume they are pronunciation keys, but that's about all i know about them. I looked in the front and back of the dictionary and there is no legend for these symbols, so maybe they are some universal thing that everyone knows except me... although i doubt that. But what i did find is that in the back of the dictionary there are pages and pages of factoid lists: abbreviations, punctuations, weights and measures, perpetual calendar (teaches you to find the day of the week for any date, but seems rather complicated so just carry a calendar or look in your cell phone or blackberry or one of the many other portable devices everyone who is anyone carries to make our lives 'easier'. lol), the united states, the largest cities in the united states, nations of the world, major metropolitan areas, religious populations, facts about the earth, national parks of the united states, wedding anniversaries, birthstones, presidents of the united states (there is a clear USA bias here, obv), and hall of fame great americans. All this and they didn't even remember to explain their own pronunciation symbols!! idiots!

So if you are interested in any of those facts and do not understand the concept of 'google' then just let me know and i'll consult my dictionary facts.


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